Use Depth First Search in a Binary Search Tree

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We know how to search a binary search tree for a specific value. But what if we just want to explore the entire tree? Or what if we don't have an ordered tree and we need to just search for a value? Here we will introduce some tree traversal methods which can be used to explore tree data structures. First up is depth-first search. In depth-first search, a given subtree is explored as deeply as possible before the search continues on to another subtree. There are three ways this can be done: In-order: Begin the search at the left-most node and end at the right-most node. Pre-order: Explore all the roots before the leaves. Post-order: Explore all the leaves before the roots. As you may guess, you may choose different search methods depending on what type of data your tree is storing and what you are looking for. For a binary search tree, an inorder traversal returns the nodes in sorted order.



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