Problem 58: Spiral primes

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Starting with 1 and spiralling anticlockwise in the following way, a square spiral with side length 7 is formed.

37 36 35 34 33 32 31

38 17 16 15 14 13 30

39 18  5  4  3 12 29

40 19  6  1  2 11 28

41 20  7  8  9 10 27

42 21 22 23 24 25 26

43 44 45 46 47 48 49

It is interesting to note that the odd squares lie along the bottom right diagonal, but what is more interesting is that 8 out of the 13 numbers lying along both diagonals are prime; that is, a ratio of 8/13 ≈ 62%.

If one complete new layer is wrapped around the spiral above, a square spiral with side length 9 will be formed. If this process is continued, what is the side length of the square spiral for which the percent of primes along both diagonals first falls below percent?



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