Sorting algorithms/Comb sort

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Implement a comb sort.

The Comb Sort is a variant of the Bubble Sort.

Like the Shell sort, the Comb Sort increases the gap used in comparisons and exchanges.

Dividing the gap by $(1-e^{-\varphi})^{-1} \approx 1.247330950103979$ works best, but 1.3 may be more practical.

Some implementations use the insertion sort once the gap is less than a certain amount.

Also see


  • Combsort11 makes sure the gap ends in (11, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1), which is significantly faster than the other two possible endings.
  • Combsort with different endings changes to a more efficient sort when the data is almost sorted (when the gap is small). Comb sort with a low gap isn't much better than the Bubble Sort.


function combsort(array input) gap := input**.size** //initialize gap size loop until gap = 1 and swaps = 0 //update the gap value for a next comb. Below is an example gap := int(gap / 1.25) if gap < 1 _//minimum gap is 1_ gap := 1 end if** i := 0 swaps := 0 //see Bubble Sort for an explanation //a single "comb" over the input list loop until i + gap >= input.size** //see Shell sort for similar idea if input[i] > input[i+gap] swap(input[i], input[i+gap]) swaps := 1 // Flag a swap has occurred, so the // list is not guaranteed sorted end if i := i + 1 end loop end loop end function



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