About this site

If you came across this by accident and wonder what freeCodeCamp has anything to do with this page, then, it's because this page is the result to pass the Build a Technical Documentation Page on freeCodeCamp.

To run the FCC tests on this page, try reopen it with following link


The main content on this page is actually just a Markdown file, rendered using marked.js with a custom scripts. Original content is copied and modified from this gist by cuonggt.

Hope you enjoy this page. See also my other freeCodeCamp solutions.

BTW, the total time for this page is 8h, in which first 2h for setting up the render-doc.js script, the rest for content and integrate other js libraries.

A bit about Markdown

The canonical guide and also first converter for Markdown is by John Gruber, since 2004. It is short, very easy to read and understand. But, there's one problem, his format is ambiguous, thus, each implementation might choose to handle the ambiguities differently, lead to many issues. To solve that, there's a community effort specification called CommonMark aims to propose a standard, unambiguous syntax specification for Markdown, along with a suite of comprehensive tests. It's now considered the standard of Markdown.

That said, the formal spec by CommonMark might be too long or too technical for you. If you just want to use it for email, social network, chat application, the basic features should be enough.

Where can we use Markdown?
  • Most chat applications like Discord, Whatapp, Messenger, Slack, Mattermost support some subset of Markdown syntax. The most common ones are bold, italic, strike-through. You might want to experiment with these applications to find what they can handle.

  • Although Gmail doesn't directly support Markdown, there's Markdown Here, a cool browser extension that convert your Markdown text to email with just a single click.

  • Developer-oriented sites like Github, Gitlab, Bicbutket should support Markdown to some extends. In fact, Github and Gitlab provides many additional syntax to help developers write great documentation.

I hope by now you are more interested in learning Markdown. So, let's move on the Basic syntax.

Basic syntax


# This is an <h1> tag
## This is an <h2> tag
### This is an <h3> tag
#### This is an <h4> tag
##### This is an <h5> tag
###### This is an <h6> tag


This is an <h1> tag

This is an <h2> tag

The "Basic syntax" you just pass through is an example of <h2>, while the "Headings" is a <h3>.


  • We can't show the rendered result for above snippets because it will not look good in the middle of the page.
  • The Setext style looks nicer in plain text, but it only supports 2 level of headers. So, for more consistent within your document, stick with ATX style.
*This text will be italic*
_This will also be italic_

**This text will be bold**
__This will also be bold__

_You **can** combine them_


This text will be italic

This will also be italic

This text will be bold

This will also be bold

You can combine them

For a bit of advice, you should stick with ** for bold and _ for italic, so to keep your document look consistent in plain text.


Example of a paragraph:

This sentence starts a paragraph.
This sentence in the same paragraph,
even though it is splitted in several lines.


This sentence starts a paragraph. This sentence in the same paragraph, even though it is splitted in several lines.

To split the text into 2 paragraphs, we need more than 1 line break.

This sentence starts a paragraph.

The blank line between this and previous sentence
cause this line on a new paragraph.


This sentence starts a paragraph.

The blank line between this and previous sentence cause this line on a new paragraph.

- Editor
  - Vim
    - Neovim
  - VSCode
  - Atom
- Tmux


  • Editor
    • Vim
      • Neovim
    • VSCode
    • Atom
  • Tmux

The follow snippet

1. Learn HTML first
2. Then CSS
3. Then JS
4. Before any shiny JS frameworks

and this snippet (if you're lazy to increase the number)

1. Learn HTML first
1. Then CSS
1. Then JS
1. Before any shiny JS frameworks

Will be rendered to the same result:

  1. Learn HTML first
  2. Then CSS
  3. Then JS
  4. Before any shiny JS frameworks


![Alternative text, for screen-reader](url)

Example using an image on this server

![Cute cat](./unhappy-cat.jpg)


Cute cat

Block quotes
> UNIX is very simple, it just needs a genius to understand its simplicity


UNIX is very simple, it just needs a genius to understand its simplicity

Horizontal Rules


Inline code
Wrap some words with single quotation mark `like this` make an inline code

Wrap some words with single quotation mark like this make an inline code snippet.

Code Snippets
    Indenting by 4 spaces will turn an entire paragraph into a code-block.


.my-link {
    text-decoration: underline;

In practice, you should use Code fence to get syntax-highlighting support from popular site and tools.

Reference Lists And Titles
The quick brown [fox][1], jumped over the lazy [dog][2].

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox "Wikipedia: Fox"
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog "Wikipedia: Dog"


The quick brown fox, jumped over the lazy dog.




Embedding HTML
<button>Click me</button>


A cool trick with HTML embedding is to use <detail> and <summary> to make a collapsible block like the following.

Long list of JS frameworks, sigh
  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue
  • Stelve
  • Mithril
  • Aurelia
  • Preact
  • Next
  • Nuxt
  • wtfjs
Advanced Markdown

Some of these syntaxes are not standard in CommonMark, but are widely supported.

Strike Through
~~deleted words~~


deleted words

Markdown Footnotes

Work in Ghost ans some other static side generators

The quick brown fox[^1] jumped over the lazy dog[^2].

[^1]: Foxes are red
[^2]: Dogs are usually not red

Sadly, it doesn't work on this page.

Github Flavored Markdown
Code fence

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {


function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if (arg) {
    $.facebox({ div: "#foo" });

Another example using CSS

@media (max-width: 800px) {
  #toc {
    max-width: 200px;


@media (max-width: 800px) {
  #toc {
    max-width: 200px;
Task Lists
- [x] Basic
- [x] Advanced
- [x] Github Flavored Markdown
- [ ] Gitlab Flavored Markdown


  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Github Flavored Markdown
  • Gitlab Flavored Markdown

You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe |:

| Editor | Initial release | Age at 2021 |
| ------ | --------------- | ----------- |
| ed     | 1973            | 48          |
| Vi     | 1976            | 45          |
| Vim    | 1988            | 33          |
| Neovim | 2014            | 7           |


Editor Initial release Age at 2021
ed 1973 48
Vi 1976 45
Vim 1988 33
Neovim 2014 7

You can also align column by adding : to left or right in the header separator.

| Editor | Initial release | Age at 2021 |
| ------ | --------------: | ----------: |
| ed     | 1973            | 48          |
| Vi     | 1976            | 45          |
| Vim    | 1988            | 33          |
| Neovim | 2014            | 7           |


Editor Initial release Age at 2021
ed 1973 48
Vi 1976 45
Vim 1988 33
Neovim 2014 7

If you're wonder how did I align the table column in plain text, take a look at prettier

Commit references

Any reference to a commit’s SHA-1 hash will be automatically converted into a link to that commit on Github. This only work somewhere in Github, such as PR or commit message, but not on those readme docs, though.

See here for an example.

Issue/PR references

Any number that refers to an Issue or Pull Request will be automatically converted into a link.


Result (see it on Github instead):


You can skip the group and repository name if you are refer to a PR/issue within your repository.

Username mentions

This is simlar to twitter, user @<username> syntax to mention someone in issue or PR comments.


Github supports emoji! Check out the Emoji Cheat Sheet.

Gitlab Flavored Markdown

Gitlab support most, if not all, extensions that Github has and more (that means this section won't render properly on Github).

See Gitlab docs for more detail

Here, we will only cover some cool extensions from them (honestly, I add this sections to just to see if I could render this page nicely like Gitlab).


It’s possible to have math written with LaTeX syntax rendered using KaTeX.


lim_{x\rightarrow 8}\frac{1}{x{-}8}=\infty


lim_{x\rightarrow 5}\frac{1}{x{-}5}= ?


lim_{x\rightarrow 8}\frac{1}{x{-}8}=\infty


lim_{x\rightarrow 5}\frac{1}{x{-}5}= ?

PlantUML is a cool tool to generate diagram from plain text. On Gitlab, following snippet

A -> B: Hello

Will become this sequence diagram

A -> B: Hello

Mermaid is another tool to turn plain text into diagram. Compare to PlantUML, it has an advantage that it's completely client side, no need a server.

Below plain text

graph LR
    A[Start reading] --> B{Understand Markdown?};
    B -->|Yes| C[Cool];
    C --> D{Star my repo please};
    D --> E[Nope];
    D --> F[Sure];
    E --> G((T_T));
    F --> H((^v^))
    B --> |No| I[Read it again -_-]
    I --> A

On Gitlab, will become

graph LR
    A[Start reading] --> B{Understand Markdown?};
    B -->|Yes| C[Cool];
    C --> D{Star my repo please};
    D --> E[Nope];
    D --> F[Sure];
    E --> G((T_T));
    F --> H((^v^))
    B --> |No| I[Read it again -_-]
    I --> A
Final note

We finally come to the end. I hope that you enjoy reading this, learn a few things about Markdown and its extensions.

This page probably contains full of bugs with bad JS code (both the FE and the render-doc.js so if you found any, let me know, or, even better, send me a PR!